2023 Weverse Shop Random Box Available for Purchase

Hello from Weverse Shop,

the official merch store.

2023 Weverse Shop Random Box will be available for purchase from Mon. November 20, 2023 (KST)!

Check the details below.

2023 Weverse Shop Random Box Available for Purchase

* Availability and Shipping (KST)

- Purchase Period: Mon. November 20, 2023, 10:00 AM - Mon. November 27, 10:00 AM

- Shipping: Begins on Mon. December 4, 2023 (global shipping available)

※ Random Boxes are available in limited quantity and may go out of stock early.

* Merch Details

👉BTS Random Box 2023


👉SEVENTEEN Random Box 2023

👉ENHYPEN Random Box 2023

* Please Note

- This product will be shipped as separately produced boxes, and thus it cannot be purchased together with other products.

- You can only purchase 1 Random Box 2023 per order.

- This product is composed of five to six randomly selected merch items per box. The included items vary between boxes.

- Some of the merch items included in the boxes may have slight discoloration or minor packaging damages due to the extended storage period. Please note that this is not a product defect and cannot qualify for exchanges/returns.

- Due to the nature of this product, you cannot select the member, color, size, etc., of the merch products you receive. Please note that this is not a product defect and cannot qualify for exchanges/returns.

- Due to the nature of this product, you cannot choose specific merch items you want or request partial exchanges/returns.

- Partial exchanges are not available even for defective products. Full exchanges are available instead.

- Additional shipping fees will apply to this product, according to the courier's policies.

- For global shipping, additional shipping fees are based on the volume and the weight of this product. Please check the shipping fee before making your payment, as it may be higher than you expected.

* Payment Information

- You can pay by debit and credit cards, or with PayPal, Eximbay, Payco, Toss, NAVER Pay, Kakao Pay, or Weverse Card.

- If you add Toss, NAVER Pay or Kakao Pay to payment methods, you can use the balance on your preferred payment option to pay, without having to use a credit card.

- If your default currency is set to USD or JPY, you can pay via PayPal or Eximbay using international credit cards or Alipay.

* Important for Customers in South Korea

- If you are ordering from South Korea, please enter the complete shipping address in Korean. Entering a South Korean address in English may lead to delayed or failed delivery as the couriers may not accept the address or have difficulty in processing the delivery.

* Important for International Customers

- If you are ordering from Japan, please enter the complete shipping address in Japanese.

- If you are ordering from countries/regions other than South Korea or Japan, please enter the complete shipping address and the recipient's name in English. In the case where the address and the name contain characters with accent symbols such as á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, and ñ, please eliminate the symbols.

- Please note that if you place multiple orders to a single address, your orders may be subject to the customs laws of the recipient country, such as the imposition of import tariffs or being held at customs. You are responsible for paying the import tariffs imposed on bulk purchases you make.

※ Please note that entering inaccurate addresses may cause delayed or failed deliveries. If products are lost in transit due to the incorrect address you entered, we will not ship additional products to compensate for the loss, especially for products manufactured in limited quantities. Please double-check your address when you place your order.

All Things for Fans, Weverse Shop

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