- Product Name
- Traveling Together with Letteamor! (Vacation in Busan)
- Producer or supplier
- Terms and recommended usage period
- VOD content purchased in Weverse Shop can be watched in Weverse.
To watch this content, you need to use the Weverse account you made the payment.
Please note that your purchase history will be permanently deleted and not restored when you withdraw from Weverse Shop/Weverse membership.
- Product delivery method (e.g., CD, download, real-time streaming)
- 系統需求和所需軟體
- 可使用Weverse的環境說明
1. 行動(APP)
- AOS: Android 9.0以上
- iOS: 16.0以上
2. PC (WEB)
- Windows 7.0以上: Chrome v35以上,Firefox v47以上
- Windows 8.1以上: IE 11,Edge
- Mac OS 10.10以上: Safari v8以上
- HDCP 1.4以上支援顯示器、顯示卡(包含圖形驅動程式)、傳輸線材等
- 單一顯示器環境
3. TV
可以在智慧型電視內安裝Weverse TV應用程式來使用,並支援以下4種裝置。
- 三星電子智慧型電視: 2017年式(TIZEN OS 3.0)之後的機種
- LG電子智慧型電視: 2018年式(WebOS 4.0)以後
- FHD/UHD TV: 安卓TV(OS 6.0以後的機種)
- Apple TV: Apple TV HD及Apple TV 4K,且tvOS 15.0以上的機種
- 上述規格為可以使用Weverse的最低規格,即使符合該規格,也有可能因為使用習慣或環境而無法順利使用。
- 為了順利使用,建議您使用最新版本的裝置OS和Weverse應用程式。
- 播放媒體時,部分低規格機種的最高畫質可能受到限制。
- Effects of subscription withdrawal, or contract cancellation or termination
- Video content purchases can't be canceled or refunded after 7 days of purchase, even if you haven't watched the video.
If you haven't watched the video content, you can cancel or get a refund within 7 days of purchase.
Video content purchases can't be canceled if you watched the video.
You may exchange this product or get compensated according to the criteria for the settlement of consumer disputes of the Fair Trade Commission.
- Telephone number for consumer consultation
- Weverse Shop Customer Center : 1544-0790
- 商品名
- Traveling Together with Letteamor! (Vacation in Busan) VOD
- 企業名稱/法人代表
- Weverse Company Inc. / JOON WON CHOI
- 通訊販售業申報
- 2022-Seongnam Bundang A-0557
- 總機
- +82 1544-0790
- 電子郵件
- support@weverse.io
- 地址
- C, 6F, PangyoTech-onetower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea