j-hope - 'HOPE ON THE STAGE' POP-UP in Mexico City 現場親自取貨

- 販售公告
- Customers who purchased the On-Site Pick-up products and made a reservation do not have to purchase this ticket and will not be able to make another reservation.
- Visitors who do not purchase On-Site Pick-Up products or Access Ticket and make no reservation cannot enter the POP-UP.
- 商品名
- j-hope 'Hope on the Stage' POP-UP in Mexico City Access Ticket
- 企業名稱/法人代表
- Weverse America Inc. / MYOUNGSOON SUNG
- 通訊販售業申報
- 2024-Gongjung-0011
- 總機
- +1 (628) 270-1100
- 電子郵件
- ussupport@weverse.io
- 地址
- 2110 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA
- 注意事項
- 該商品販售給販售者所在國家/地區的居民,關於該商品的取消、退貨及付款等相關事宜將適用販售者所在國家/地區的政策。