此商品只能在相会广场(Meeting Plaza)半徑2.5km(1.6mi)內購買。
- 销售通知
- 每个账号的每个选项限购数量为3个。
相会广场(Meeting Plaza)
- 품명
- Product material
- 100% COTTON
- Size(cm)
- 총장(Body length) x 어깨너비(Shoulder width) x 가슴너비(Chest width) x 밑단너비(Bottom width) x 소매길이(Sleeve length) M: 71 x 55 x 62 x 45 x 59cm L: 73 x 58 x 65 x 48 x 60cm Photo Card) 7 x 10 cm
- Contents
- Manufacturer
- Country of manufacture
- Year and month of manufacture
- 2024.10
- Information that confirms that the product has been certified or permitted by law
- Not Applicable
- Instructions for care and handling
- Please refer to the care label by the Quality Management Promotion Act when washing. 1. Wash the garment with lukewarm water and use neutral detergent, as synthetic detergents may damage or bleach the clothing. 2. When it comes to printed-clothing, please refrain from washing in hot water. Thin fabric may be damaged due to other laundry items. 3. The color can rub off on other clothing, so wash it separately with water. 4. If polluted or soaked in sweats, wash it immediately. 5. Never use chloride based bleaching agent. 6. Do not soak it in water more than 30 minutes, and do not rub or wring out the clothing. 7. Please note that bleach, contamination, and other deterioration of the product such as contraction caused by mishandling of the product cannot be the cause for indemnity. 8. You cannot be compensated for the damaged product if you do not wash the product according to the care label. 9. The product can contract when dried with high heat or heated air due to the nature of the fabric, so please do not use mechanical drying and dry it naturally. 10. Cotton products may fade in color after washing. 11. Metallic parts may rust when washed in water. Avoid exposure to salt. 12. The ribbing on the wrists and the neck area may be stretched if you pull on the areas with excessive force. 13. You may find small bits of thread attached to items, but that does not mean it is defective. All items are inspected before packaging, but as the items are mass-produced the trimming of threads may not be properly cleaned afterwards, which leaves small bits of threads on the items. Small bits of thread can be removed with sewing scissors or scissors. 14. For outerwear, additional dying processes may result in unavoidable color transfers or fading. Please note that if worn with lighter items (light-colored bags or inner-wear tops) color transfer to the lighter-colored items may occur. 15. Wrinkles may occur due to the nature of the material, or it can be caused while packaging the product. It goes away when ironed. (If ironing, use low heat with a pressing cloth. Please do not iron the embellished & printed area.)
- Quality assurance standards
- In accordance with relevant laws and the criteria for the settlement of consumer disputes
- Product support manager and phone number
- Weverse Shop Customer Center : 1544-0790
- Mail Order Business Information
- 1) Company: WEVERSE COMPANY Inc. 2) Representative: JOON WON CHOI 3) Contact (customer service): 1544-0790 4) Location: C, 6F, Pangyo Tech-one tower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA 5) Business registration number: 716-87-01158 6) Mail order business registration number: 2022-SeongnamBundangA-0557
- 注意事項
- 換貨/退款條件【PICKUP】
- 1)換貨
- 換貨僅限於購買後14天內。
- 僅限在現場攤位的營運時間內,於該攤位進行換貨,到場時請務必攜帶商品及訂單紀錄。
- 關於隨機商品,僅限瑕疵品可換貨。
- 2)退款
- 僅限在現場攤位的營運時間內,於該攤位進行退款。
- 到場時請務必攜帶商品、訂單紀錄及付款方式,我們將為您處理退款。
- 3)共同
- 以下情况不予換貨/退款。
- 商品標籤受損(商品標籤及包裝等被剪除、丟失或損壞)因顧客原因造成商品遺失、毀損或損壞時
- 發生汙損、氣味、香水、洗滌過水等,其他已有使用過痕跡時
- 商品價值已下降至無法再販售時
- 當換貨商品沒有庫存時,將退還該商品之費用。