• 共通

[Weverse Shop GLOBAL ONLY] China resident identity card number and Chinese addresses now required for deliveries to Chinese addresses

Hello from Weverse Shop,

the official merch store.

We have an announcement for customers who use shipping to an address in China.


To comply with the request from Chinese customs, you must provide the recipient's resident identity card number now when you make an order on Weverse Shop GLOBAL to be shipped to an address in China. 

Also, your shipping address and information (name, last name, address, detailed address, city, state, and province or region) must now be provided in Chinese, not in English, so the local courier can accurately deliver your purchases to the correct address in China.

If you need to add or edit an address in China in Weverse Shop app, please update the app to v1.9.0 and enter the required information mentioned above (resident card identity number, address, etc.) in Chinese.

To edit your shipping address, please follow the steps below:

  • Weverse Shop app: My > Shipping Addresses > Edit your current Chinese address or add a new address
  • Weverse Shop website: Order Shipping (upper right) > Shipping Addresses > Edit your current Chinese address or add a new address


Thank you for your understanding.

Please contact Weverse Shop Customer Service if you have any questions.


All Things for Fans, Weverse Shop

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