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Weverse Shop x PAYCO Event

PAYCO event is open for Weverse Shop GLOBAL customers!

Buy over KRW 30,000 using PAYCO points on Weverse Shop GLOBAL and get a KRW 2,000 discount!

* Event Period (KST)

- Wed. October 4, 2023, 11:00 AM - Fri. October 13, 2023, 11:59 PM

* Event Details

- Buy over KRW 30,000 using PAYCO points on Weverse Shop GLOBAL during the event period, and get a KRW 2,000 discount on a first-come-first-served basis!

* Please Note

- Select PAYCO as the payment method and use PAYCO points to purchase over KRW 30,000 on Weverse Shop GLOBAL during the event period and get a KRW 2,000 discount on a first-come-first-served basis.

- You can get the benefits of the event once a day and up to three times during the event period per ID.

- During the event period, PAYCO rewards will not be available on Weverse Shop.

- The discount will be canceled if you wholly or partially cancel your purchase or get a refund after getting the discount, thereby failing to meet the minimum amount eligible for the event.

- You may not be able to use a coupon if the event ends prematurely due to reaching its capacity on a first-come-first-served basis.

- Coupons used for the event cannot be reissued or reused if you cancel purchases or modify orders after the event has ended, either because it reached its capacity on a first-come-first-served basis or due to the conclusion of the event period.

- The event may end prematurely without prior notice due to the company's circumstances.

Weverse Company服務商資訊
Weverse Company Inc.
京畿道城南市盆唐區盆唐內谷路131,C棟6樓(柏峴洞,板橋TECH 1大樓)
716-87-01158 查看企業資訊
Amazon Web Services, Inc., NAVER Cloud
於Weverse Shop販售的商品包含進駐Weverse Shop的個人賣家商品,對於個人賣家所販售之商品,Weverse Company Inc.身為通訊銷售仲介方,而非當事方,則不對任何登錄商品的資訊及交易負責。

© 2024 Weverse Company Inc. or its affiliates (Weverse Japan & Weverse America Inc.) all rights reserved.