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[Weverse Shop GLOBAL ONLY] Eximbay and Toss Pay Now Available Again as Weverse Shop Payment Method

Hello from Weverse Shop, 

the official merch store. 

Eximbay and Toss Pay are now available as payment methods on Weverse Shop again, as of Monday, August 7, 2023, 11:30 AM (KST). 

Recently, Weverse Shop took proactive measures to safeguard customers by temporarily excluding the payment gateway Eximbay, as well as Toss Pay which utilizes Eximbay's services, as payment methods on Weverse Shop after discovering unauthorized overseas payments processed through them. 

The payment gateway and related corporate bodies conducted thorough investigations into the payment gateway and all transactions of Weverse Shop. The investigations revealed that no unauthorized payments were made through the payment gateway. 

The payment gateway will continue to closely monitor their transactions to prevent any potential fraudulent activities and will implement additional measures to protect customers better in case of any future fraudulent payments. 

Based on the conclusive results of the investigation, Weverse Shop has decided to re-introduce Eximbay and Toss Pay as payment methods for your convenience. 

We will do our best to continue to provide a comfortable and safe experience for all of our customers. 

Thank you for your support. 

All Things for Fans, Weverse Shop

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Weverse Company Inc.
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716-87-01158 查看企业信息
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