BTS Official Light Stick MAP OF THE SOUL Special Edition_0

BTS Official Light Stick MAP OF THE SOUL Special Edition

최대 캐시 $0.60
BTS Official Light Stick Special Edition
1개 선택

계정당 최대 2개까지 구매할 수 있습니다.


예약판매 상품입니다.배송 시작 예정일 ~ (KST)

안내드린 배송 시작 예정일 기간 동안 출고되며, 출고 후 택배사 배송 기간이 추가 소요 됩니다. 주문 별 배송완료 시점은 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다. 배송 시작 예정일은 상품 및 물류 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있으며 변경되는 경우 별도 안내될 예정입니다.

로그인 후 배송 가능 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.

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상품 고시정보

Precautions for handling
1. Keep the product at room temperature, and away from high temperatures and humidity. 2. Do not look at the light directly at a close distance. 3. Be careful not to drop the product as impacts may cause the light color to change. 4. Do not swallow the parts or put them in the mouth. 5. Use standard alkaline AAA batteries that were not used before. Avoid using manganese or used batteries. 6. When the battery is low, some colors may not light up and the lightstick may be turned off. Please note that this is not a product defect. 7. Make sure to correctly check the polarity (+, -) of the batteries. Incorrect placement may cause overheating and damage to the product. 8. In case of overheating, please turn off the power and remove the batteries. 9. Store the lightstick without batteries in it, or it may lead to battery leakage.
BTS Official Light Stick MAP OF THE SOUL Special Edition
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