Weverse Shop

배송주소를 등록하고 편리하게 쇼핑하세요!



최대 캐시 $0.40

예약판매 상품입니다.배송 시작 예정일 2025.05.12 ~ 2025.05.19 (KST)

안내드린 배송 시작 예정일 기간 동안 출고되며, 출고 후 택배사 배송 기간이 추가 소요 됩니다. 주문 별 배송완료 시점은 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다. 배송 시작 예정일은 상품 및 물류 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있으며 변경되는 경우 별도 안내될 예정입니다.

로그인 후 배송 가능 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.

최대 구매수량은 옵션별 5개입니다.
GYM SACK SET 0 detailGYM SACK SET 1 detail

상품 고시정보

상품사이즈 (cm)
Gym Sack 35 X 43, Photo Card 5.5 X 8.5 (cm)
GYM SACK SET (Gym Sack 1pc, Photo Card 1pc)
법에 의한 인증, 허가 등을 받았음을 확인할 수 있는 경우 그에 대한 사항
세탁방법 및 취급시 주의사항
[취급 주의사항] - 본 제품은 사용연령 만 14세 이상 분들을 위한 제품으로, 어린이용이 아닙니다. - 본 제품은 공정거래위원회고시 소비자분쟁해결기준에 의거 교환 또는 보상을 받을 수 있습니다. - 상품의 색상은 모니터 사양에 따라 실제 색상과 다소 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 1. 날카로운 물체나 화기에 약한 제품으로, 주의가 필요한 제품입니다. 2. 세탁이 불가능한 상품입니다. 오염 부분만 발생 즉시 젖은 천으로 가볍게 닦아낸 후 그늘에서 건조하십시오. 3. 재단 혹은 봉제 시 사이즈 오차가 있을 수 있습니다.(±1~2cm) 4. 소비자 부주의로 인한 제품 손상은 보상이 되지 않으므로, 위의 사항을 꼭 준수하십시오.
품질 보증 기준
관련 법 및 소비자분쟁 해결기준에 따름.
Weverse Company Inc. / 최준원
통신판매업 신고
제 2022-성남분당A-0557 호
경기도 성남시 분당구 분당내곡로 131, 6층(백현동, 판교테크원타워)

교환/반품 안내

Returns & Exchanges
Go to [MY or More → My Orders → Order Details] to request a(n) exchange/return.
Please refer to the FAQ available from Help on Weverse for more information.
Return & Exchange Period
Customers can request a(n) exchange/return through the My Orders page or by going to Help on Weverse [Contact us] within 7 days of receiving the product. (In the case of a simple change of mind, only returns are possible and exchanges will not be allowed.)
In case the product is different from its advertisement or the stipulations outlined in its contract, including defects, the customer may contact us through Help on Weverse [Contact us] to withdraw the purchase order within 3 months of receiving the product and within 30 days from the date the customer discovers or could have discovered such fact.
Return & Exchange Fees
If the customer wishes to exchange/return the product due to a simple change of mind, the customer will bear the shipping costs.
In the case of defective products, product mismatches, or returns due to delivery issues, the seller will cover the shipping costs.
Exchange & Return Notes
Exchange/refund may not be available in the following cases.
Where the product is destroyed or damaged due to a cause attributable to the customer (except in cases where the package is opened for checking the content);
Where the product's value has substantially decreased due to the customer's total or partial use or consumption (including the usage of a Digital Code);
Where the value of the product has substantially decreased due to the elapse of time, making resale difficult or impossible;
Where the package of copyable products has been damaged (where the packaging of copyable products including albums, books, video publications, photocards, postcards, and posters is opened);
Where making of the made-to-order product has already proceeded (where irreparable damage to the seller is foreseen, and the seller has obtained written consent acknowledging that the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised due to such foreseen damage);
Where some components of the product have been used, lost, or are not resalable due to damage/failure/contamination caused by mishandling, or the product is returned with some components missing;
Exchange/refund in each product category may not be available for the following cases:
[Clothing, bags, shoes, fashion accessories]
Where the product's value has substantially decreased due to washing, stains on the product, odor from fragrance or deodorant, signs of use, etc.
[Albums, books, video publications]
Where the copyable product's packaging has been opened;
Where some components of the product have been used, lost, or are not resalable due to damage/failure/contamination caused by mishandling;
Where the product is returned with some components missing;
Exchange is only possible for the same product and the same options in the case of defective products. In other cases, you must return the defective product and make a new purchase.
If the seller does not have stock of the product requested for an exchange, the exchange cannot be processed even if an exchange request is submitted; in such cases, the order will be canceled and a refund will be issued with the used payment method.
Compensation for Consumer Damages and Refund Delays:
Matters related to exchanges, returns, after-sales service, refunds, quality guarantees, and compensation for damages due to defective products are handled in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Criteria set by the Korea Fair Trade Commission.
Conditions and procedures for refund and compensation for delay are processed in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce of South Korea.
For international customers
Some regulations may apply only to South Korean customers. For detailed information for international customers, please check the FAQ or use Help on Weverse [Contact us].
해당 상품은 판매자가 속한 국가의 거주자에게 판매됩니다. 해당 상품에 대해서는 판매자가 속한 국가의 청약철회, 환불, 결제 관련 정책이 적용됩니다.
Weverse Company Inc.
(+82) 1544-0790
경기도 성남시 분당구 분당내곡로 131, C동 6층 (백현동, 판교테크원타워)
716-87-01158 사업자정보확인
통신판매업 신고번호
제 2022-성남분당A-0557 호
호스팅 서비스 사업자
Amazon Web Services, Inc., NAVER Cloud
Weverse Shop에서 판매되는 상품 중에는 Weverse Shop에 입점한 개별 판매자가 판매하는 상품이 포함되어 있습니다. 개별 판매자가 판매하는 상품의 경우 (주)위버스컴퍼니는 통신판매중개자로서 통신판매의 당사자가 아니며, 등록된 상품의 정보 및 거래에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.

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