SEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv._0

SEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv.

최대 캐시 ₩800

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SEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv. 0 detailSEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv. 1 detailSEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv. 2 detailSEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv. 3 detailSEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv. 4 detailSEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv. 5 detail

상품 고시정보

Product material
23.8 x 9.7 x 9.7
Light Stick Dust Bag Strap Product Manual *Batteries excluded
Elcomtec Co., Ltd
Country of manufacture
South Korea
AAA Akline Batteries X 3EA (Not included)
Instructions for care and handling
1. Keep the product at room temperature, and away from high temperatures and humidity. 2. Do not look at the light directly at a close distance. 3. Be careful not to drop the product as impacts may cause the light color to change. 4. Do not swallow the parts or put them in the mouth. 5. Strong impact or contact with water may cause damage of the product. 6. If the product is damaged, stop using it and do not disassemble, repair, or modify the product on your own. 7. If the battery is depleted, please use a new battery. Remove the battery if the product will not be used for an extended period. 8. Store depleted batteries out of the reach of infants and dispose of them at designated disposal locations. 9. Use standard alkaline AAA. Do not use manganese or used batteries. Failure to do so may result in product damage, burns, or fire hazards. 10. This product may experience interference during wireless operation. 11. Do not disassemble the product or insert substances such as powder, liquids, or other materials into it. 12. When the battery is low, some colors may not light up and the Official Light Stick may be turned off. Please note that this is not a product defect. 13. Make sure to correctly check the polarity (+, -) of the batteries. Incorrect placement may cause overheating and damage to the product. 14. In case of overheating, please turn off the power and remove the batteries. 15. Remove the batteries when storing the Official Light Stick. It may lead to battery leakage if you fail to do so.
SEVENTEEN Official Light Stick VER.3 10th Anniv.
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