High Neck Bra Top_0

High Neck Bra Top

최대 캐시 ₩950

로그인 후 배송 가능 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.

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상품 고시정보

Product Name
High Neck Bra Top
Product material
95% Cotton 5% Span
총장(Body length) x 가슴너비(Chest width) x 밑단너비(Bottom width) x 목너비(Neck width) S: 45 * 35 * 32 * 16.5 M: 47 * 37 * 34 * 17 L: 49 * 39 * 36 * 17.5
Country of manufacture
Republic of Korea
Instructions for care and handling
Please refer to the care label by the Quality Management Promotion Act when washing. 1. Wash it alone with cold water. 2. Turn the garment inside out when washing. 3. Wash for a short time. 4. Be cautious of color transfer when washing. 5. Do not soak it in water for more than 10 minutes, and do not use bleach detergent. 6. Do not wring or twist. 7. Do not machine-dry. Dry flat in the shade. 8. Dry promptly. 9. Do not iron. 10. Do not dry-clean. 11. When it comes to printed-clothing, please refrain from washing in hot water. Thin fabric may be damaged due to other laundry items. 12. If polluted or soaked in sweats, wash it immediately. 13. Please note that bleach, contamination, and other deterioration of the product such as contraction caused by mishandling of the product cannot be the cause for indemnity. 14. You cannot be compensated for the damaged product if you do not wash the product according to the care label. 15. Please note that RIB on wrists and the neck may get loose, so do not pull them excessively when wearing it. 16. We monitor and examine products before packing, but as products are mass-produced, we cannot guarantee that all products are ideally perfect. There may be loose thread between seams. In this case, please remove the bits of thread with scissors before wearing them. 17. For outerwear, additional dying processes may result in unavoidable color transfers or fading. Please note that if worn with lighter items (light-colored bags or inner-wear tops) color transfer to the lighter-colored items may occur. 18. Wrinkles may occur due to the nature of the material, or it can be caused while packaging the product. It goes away when ironed. (Please do not iron the embellished & printed area.)
High Neck Bra Top
Weverse America Inc. / 성명순
통신판매업 신고
제 2024-공정-0011 호
+1 (628) 270-1100
2110 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA

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