BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary_0

BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary

최대 캐시 ₩600

로그인 후 배송 가능 여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.

You can buy up to 2 per order.
This item may become out of stock early due to limited quantity.
BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary 0 detailBTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary 1 detailBTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary 2 detailBTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary 3 detailBTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary 4 detailBTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary 5 detail

상품 고시정보

Product Name
BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary
Product Components and Size (mm)
1. OUTBOX 250*320*90mm 2. D-12 156*60mm / 1ea 3. D-11 32*32mm / 1ea 4. D-10 150*100mm / 5ea 1SET 5. D-9 55*85mm / 7ea 1SET 6. D-8 55*140mm / 11ea 1SET 7. D-7 80*80mm / 7ea 1SET 8. D-6 55*85mm / 7ea 1SET 9. D-5 120*85mm / 1ea 10. D-4 100*100mm / 8ea 1SET 11. D-3 50*70mm / 7ea 1SET 12. D-2 40*70mm / 7ea 1SET 13. D-1 380*260mm / 1ea 14. D-DAY 40*70mm / 1ea
Country of manufacture
See the product details
BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary
Weverse America Inc. / 성명순
통신판매업 신고
제 2024-공정-0011 호
+1 (628) 270-1100
2110 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA

상품 유의사항

Product size and content are subject to change due to certain situations that may arise from the manufacturer.
Outbox is a shockproof to protect the merch and may be discolored or scratched.
BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary emblems and artists' videos/pictures will be given out to the Weverse Shop account you used to purchase the merch during the event period or the Wevere Shop account verified to have purchased the merch during the event period.
Emblems will be given out to customers who do not cancel/return < BTS FESTA D-DAY CALENDAR : Celebration of The 8th Anniversary> during the event period. When you cancel/return the order after receiving the emblem, the emblem may be withdrawn.
Specifications of the merch are identical regardless of the distribution channel (Weverse Shop, BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL SHOP, UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE)

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