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Weverse Shop 음반 판매 수량은
집계에 반영됩니다.
- 판매공지
- You can buy up to 4.
- ※ 100% of the album sales on Weverse Shop USA will count for Billboard chart.
상품 고시정보
- Product Name
- 'Indigo' (Vinyl)
- Label
- Release date
- July 14, 2023
- Title
- Indigo
- How to Offer Your Goods
- Vinyl
- Vinyl Outer Jacket 3 Premium Photo Boards Booklet Folded Lyric Poster Instant Photo Photo Card
- 상품명
- 'Indigo' Vinyl
- 상호명/대표자
- Weverse America Inc. / 성명순
- 통신판매업 신고
- 제 2024-공정-0011 호
- 전화번호
- +1 (628) 270-1100
- ussupport@weverse.io
- 주소
- 2110 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA
상품 유의사항
- The outbox is used to protect the actual product. Please note that we do not offer exchanges or refunds due to damages that may occur during the delivery.
- The release date is subject to change in several circumstances.
- Due to the nature of the production method, the prints on the vinyl are different by product, and the photos of the product and the actual product may feature different prints. Please note that this is not an error or defect.
교환/반품 안내
- 유의사항
- 해당 상품은 판매자가 속한 국가의 거주자에게 판매됩니다. 해당 상품에 대해서는 판매자가 속한 국가의 청약철회, 환불, 결제 관련 정책이 적용됩니다.