[NOTICE] ARMY MEMBERSHIP: MERCH PACK Sign-Up Suspension and MERCH BOX Release Schedule


This is your BTS fan club manager.

We would like to inform you on the suspension of new and renewal sign-ups for ARMY MEMBERSHIP: MERCH PACK (“Merch Pack Membership”) and the Merch Box release schedule. 

1.Suspension of New and Renewal Sign-Up for Merch Pack Membership 

-Regional Shops: GLOBAL, JAPAN, and USA

-Date: Starting 12 AM, Thursday, July 4, 2024 (KST)

2.Additional Sales Schedule for Merch Boxes #14, #15, and #16 

-Regional Shops: GLOBAL and USA

-Date: From 3 PM, Monday, June 3 to 11:59 PM, Sunday, June 30, 2024 (KST)

3.Future Release and Sales Schedule

-Regional Shops: GLOBAL, JAPAN, and USA

-Merch Box #17: From 2 PM, Thursday, July 4 to 11:59 PM, Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (KST)

-Merch Box #18: October 2024

-Merch Boxes #19 and #20: December 2024

※ Additional Information

- The above schedule is subject to change.

- If payment is received during the sales period, all orders will be placed and processed. For the shipping schedule of each Merch Box, please refer to the information on the product details page.

- You cannot purchase the same Merch Box more than once from the same regional shop.

- Merch Pack Membership holders can select and purchase a total of four Merch Boxes during the membership period.

(Example) After signing up for the Merch Pack Membership on January 31, 2024, you will be able to purchase four Merch Boxes during your membership period (365 days from the sign-up day).

- You will be unable to receive refunds for any of the four Merch Boxes that you have not purchased during your Merch Pack Membership period.

(Example) If you signed up for a Merch Pack Membership on January 31, 2024 and could not purchase a total of four Merch Boxes among the ones released during the membership period due to depletion of inventory or other reasons, you cannot receive a refund for un-purchased Merch Boxes. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

- For more information on the Merch Pack Membership, please refer to the product details page for the ARMY MEMBERSHIP: MERCH PACK product.  Select the country/region in which you are currently residing to go to the corresponding page.

Thank you.

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