2023 Weverse Con Festival DAY2_0
Weverse Con Festival

2023 Weverse Con Festival DAY2

Cash máximo $0.10
2023 Weverse Con Festival 2DAY
1 unidad(es)

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2023 Weverse Con Festival DAY2


Product Name
2023 Weverse Con Festival 2DAY
Producer or supplier
Terms and recommended usage period
VOD content purchased in Weverse Shop can be watched in Weverse. To watch this content, you need to use the Weverse account you made the payment. Please note that your purchase history will be permanently deleted and not restored when you withdraw from Weverse Shop/Weverse membership.
Product delivery method (e.g., CD, download, real-time streaming)
Minimum system requirements or required software
1. APP - AOS: Android 9.0 or higher - iOS: 16.0 or higher 2. WEB (PC) <Supported OS and Web Browsers> - Windows 7.0 or higher: Chrome v35 or higher, and Firefox v47 or higher - Windows 8.1 or higher: IE 11 and Edge - Mac OS 10.10 or higher: Safari v8 or higher <Hardware> - Monitor and graphics card (including graphic drivers) supporting HDCP 1.4 or higher, cables, etc. - Single monitor environment 3. TV You can use Weverse via the Weverse TV app installed on Smart TVs. The following four devices are supported: - Samsung Smart TV: Models after 2017 (TIZEN OS 3.0) - LG Smart TV: Models after 2018 (WebOS 4.0) - FHD/UHD TV Android TV models: Models after OS 6.0 - Supported Apple TV models are Apple TV HD and Apple TV 4K, models with tvOS 15.0 or higher ⚠️ Please Note - The specifications provided above are the minimum requirements for using Weverse. Your experience may not be smooth even if these specifications are met, depending on your usage patterns and environments. - We recommend using the latest version of the OS of your device and the Weverse app for the best experience. - The available resolutions may be limited on some lower-spec models.
Effects of subscription withdrawal, or contract cancellation or termination
Video content purchases can't be canceled or refunded after 7 days of purchase, even if you haven't watched the video. If you haven't watched the video content, you can cancel or get a refund within 7 days of purchase. Video content purchases can't be canceled if you watched the video. You may exchange this product or get compensated according to the criteria for the settlement of consumer disputes of the Fair Trade Commission.
Telephone number for consumer consultation
Weverse Shop Customer Center : (+82)2-1544-0790
2023 Weverse Con Festival DAY2
Nombre Comercial/Director General
Weverse Company Inc. / JOON WON CHOI
Registro Del Negocio Del Pedido Por Correo Electrónico
2022-Seongnam Bundang A-0557
Número de Teléfono
+82 1544-0790
C, 6F, PangyoTech-onetower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Cambios y devoluciones

Este producto se vende a residentes del país/región del vendedor. A este producto se aplicarán las políticas de cancelación, reembolso y pago del país/región del vendedor.
Información de negocios de Weverse Company
Weverse Company Inc.
Director General
C, 6F, PangyoTech-onetower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, República de Corea
716-87-01158 Registro de negocios
2022-Seongnam Bundang A-0557
Amazon Web Services, Inc., NAVER Cloud
Dirección de correo electrónico
Algunos de los productos vendidos en Weverse Shop son ofrecidos por vendedores particulares que utilizan Weverse Shop como plataforma de venta. En cuanto a los productos vendidos por vendedores particulares, Weverse Company Inc. no es partícipe de las transacciones de comercio electrónico, sino un intermediario de comercio electrónico, que no se responsabiliza por la información o transacciones relativas a los productos mencionados.

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