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- Please Note
- As the merch is produced in limited quantity, only return will be available for a damaged merch when there are not enough merch to exchange with.
- The item is only available for residents in South Korea.
- You can buy up to 5.
- 품명 Product Name
- KC 인증 필 유무 (전파법 상 인증대상상품에 한함, MIC 인증 필 혼용 가능) KC certification status (Only required for products that need to be certified under Radio Waves Act)
- -
- 정격전압, 소비전력 Rated voltage, Power consumption
- LR41 / 1.5V
- 동일모델의 출시년월 Release date of the same model
- 2018년 10월
- 제조자 Manufacturer
- 제조국 Country of manufacture
- 구성품, 비고 Product Componant
- Button Alkaline Zinc-Manganese Dioxide Battery x 3
- 크기, 무게 Size, weight
- Head: 95 x 55 x 50 mm Battery and light: 20 x 20 x 125 mm
- 주요사양 Main specifications
- Operation time : 4-6hr
- 품질 보증 기준 Quality assurance standards
- 관련 법 및 소비자분쟁 해결기준에 따름. In accordance with relevant laws and the criteria for the settlement of consumer disputes
- A/S 책임자와 전화번호 Product support manager and phone number
- 위버스샵 고객센터 : 1544-0790 Weverse Shop Customer Center : 1544-0790
- 통신판매업자 정보 Mail Order Business Information
- 1. Company: WEVERSE COMPANY Inc. 2. Representative: JOON WON CHOI 3. Contact (customer service): 1544-0790 4. Location: C, 6F, Pangyo Tech-one tower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 5. Business registration number: 716-87-01158 6. Mail order business registration number: 2022-SeongnamBundangA-0557
- Name
- Company Name/CEO
- Weverse Company Inc. / JOON WON CHOI
- Mail Order Business Registration
- 2022-Seongnam Bundang A-0557
- Phone number
- +82 1544-0790
- Address
- C, 6F, PangyoTech-onetower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
- Please Note
- This product is available for purchase by residents of the seller's country/region. The policies regarding contract withdrawal, refunds, and payments from the seller's country/region will apply.